CARLA 2021
CARLA 2021 goes fully virtual: The workshop will be conducted in a fully virtual way without any attendance fees.
The first international workshop “Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application” took place at the Institute of Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University in 2018, followed by a virtual event as part of the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge (BOSK) in 2020. Following its great success, we are organizing a third international workshop “Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application” (CARLA) in 2021. We invite the submission of abstracts to the workshop.
Time and Venue:
Date: 16.09.2021 - 17.09.2021
Venue: Virtual, co-located with FOIS 2021 (13.09.2021 - 16.09.2021) and ICCS 2021 (20.09.2021 - 23.09.2021), as part of the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge
(BOSK) 2021.
IMPORTANT: CARLA 2021will be conducted as a fully virtual event without any attendance fees. More information about how to attend can be found below.
Invited Talks:
Monique Flecken, Department of Linguistics, University of Amsterdam
Events in Language and Cognition
Event cognition is an important part of our mental capacity: Perceiving, describing and memorizing the events (e.g., reading a book, chopping an onion)
happening in the world around us is fundamental to our everyday lives. Given that events can be described in different ways both within one and the same
language, and across different languages, I ask, to what extent linguistic variation may guide or shape our event cognition. I will present psycholinguistic
studies that investigate how people conceptualize, perceive and memorize events of different types, with the aim of shedding light on the relation between
language and (event) cognition.
Antonio Lieto, Department of Computer Science, University Turin
Heterogeneous Proxytypes as a Unifying Cognitive Framework for Conceptual Representation and Reasoning in Artificial Systems
This talk presents the heterogeneous proxytypes hypothesis as a cognitively-inspired computational framework able to reconcile, in both natural and
artificial systems, different theories of typicality about conceptual representation and reasoning that have been traditionally seen as incompatible.
In particular, by exploiting the Dual PECCS system and its evolution, it shows how prototypes, exemplars, and “theory theory”-like conceptual representations
can be integrated in a cognitive artificial agent thus providing both an extension of its categorization capabilities and useful insights in the context of a
computationally grounded science of the mind.
Call for Abstracts:
“Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application” (CARLA) is an international workshop aimed at fostering interdisciplinary exchange about research on concepts. It invites contributions from all fields related to cognitive science, including (but not limited to) linguistics, artificial intelligence, psychology, philosophy, logic, and computer science.
The workshop is open for research on any aspect of concepts, but there are three overarching topics that are of special interest with the following (not exhaustive) list of exemplary subtopics:
- Representation: How can we formally describe and model concepts?
- Conceptual Spaces, Conceptual Domains, Frames
- Lexical Semantics and Pragmatics
- Grounded Cognition, Embodiment, 4E Cognition
- Learning: Where do concepts come from and how are they acquired?
- Evolution of Concepts
- Cross-Cultural and Social Aspects of Concepts
- Developmental Psychology of Concepts
- Application: How are concepts used in cognitive tasks?
- Event Cognition
- Artificial Agents
- Concept Blending, Metaphors, Creativity
This workshop provides an excellent opportunity to present and discuss ongoing research on concepts, both from theoretical/formal and applied/experimental viewpoints. We invite concept researchers from all fields related to cognitive science to submit abstracts to the workshop.
Submission and Publication (Extended Deadline!):
We invite the submission of abstracts via EasyChair until May 26, 2021. Acceptance notifications will be sent out by June 16, 2021.
The abstracts should use two to three pages (including references) and should be uploaded as pdf based on the following template (LaTeX or Word) which is based on Springer’s LNCS style: Download Template
We will use the following EasyChair instance to collect and review the submissions:
Depending on the number and quality of the received submissions, selected contributions may be published after the workshop. More information on this will follow.
Accepted Submissions:
The following submissions have been accepted for oral presentation at the workshop:
- Katharina Zaychenko: Capacity Load in Motion Event Construal: Insights from Similarity Judgments, Language Production, and Reaction Time Performance [abstract]
- Pablo Leon Villagra, Isaac Ehrlich, Chris Lucas and Daphna Buchsbaum: Recovering human category structure acrossdevelopment using sparse judgments [abstract]
- Linda Kaastra: Grounding Concept Formation in Musical Activity [abstract]
- Guendalina Righetti, Oliver Kutz and Daniele Porello: Making Common Sense of the Leuven Concept Database [abstract]
- Mark Winstanley: The Structure of Concepts. Jean Piaget and Implicit Definition [abstract]
- Uta Priss: Conceptual Schemata as a Means for Structuring Teaching Materials [abstract]
- Nina Poth: Bayesian Modelling of Perceptual Categorisation in Conceptual Spaces [abstract]
- Caitlyn Antal and Roberto G. de Almeida: When you recognize a dog, you also know it’s an animal: Evidence from rapid object categorization [abstract]
- Oksana Tkachman, Emily Sadlier-Brown and Carla Hudson Kam: Conceptual Salience in Naming and Describing [abstract]
The following submissions have been accepted as poster presentations at the workshop:
- Corina Strößner: Criteria of naturalness in conceptual spaces [abstract]
- Yuliya Krylova-Grek: The representation of Concept of Hate speech in mass media [abstract]
- Linda Kaastra: Representation in a Field of Musical Operations [abstract]
- Raphael Aybar: Conceptual and Computational Models of Cognition: The Case of Predictive Processing [abstract]
- Lucas Bechberger and Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger: Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Map Line Drawings Into Psychological Shape Space [abstract]
- Stefan Schneider and Andreas Nürnberger: Venn Lattice: An exploratory conceptual space implementing the state concept property formalism [abstract]
- Julio Torres Soler: Force dynamics in the semantic evolution of lexical categories [abstract]
- Hermann Bense: An universal Ontology of unique atomic and semantically compound Concepts [abstract]
- Halima Husic and Claudia Roch: Conceptual variation in German nach [abstract]
- Xenia Ohmer, Michael Marino, Michael Franke and Peter König: Mutual influence between perception and language in artificial agents [abstract]
- Sean Tull: A Compositional Model of Fuzzy Concepts in Conceptual Spaces [abstract]
- Paola Vernillo and Caterina Cacioli: Breaking events: semantic categorization of action concepts in English and Italian [abstract]
- Paloma Opazo: Concepts in (inter)action: lexical alignment in office hours’ consultations [abstract]
- Silvano Zipoli Caiani and Gabriele Ferretti: On the Interface Between Action Concepts and Intentions to act [abstract]
Preliminary Schedule:
We have three types of talks:
- Keynote Talks consist of a 40 minute presentation, followed by 20 minutes Q&A.
- Oral presentations consist of a 20-25 minute presentation and 10-15 minutes Q&A.
- Poster sessions contain 6 posters each. In the beginning, each poster is presented in a short pitch (up to five minutes; 20-25 minutes total). Afterwards, we have a parallel Q&A session (35-40 minutes), where each poster is discussed in a separate breakout room. Our preliminary schedule looks as follows:
Day 1: Thursday, 16.09.2021
- 09:00 - 09:15: Opening Ceremony (Session Chair: Lucas Bechberger)
- 09:15 - 10:15: Keynote Talk (Session Chair: Paola Vernillo)
- Monique Flecken: Events in Language and Cognition
- 10:15 - 10:50: Oral Presentation(Session Chair: Paola Vernillo)
- Katharina Zaychenko: Capacity Load in Motion Event Construal: Insights from Similarity Judgments, Language Production, and Reaction Time Performance [abstract]
- 10:50 - 11:10: Coffee Break
- 11:10 - 12:20: Oral Presentations (Session Chair: Viviana Haase)
- Pablo Leon Villagra, Isaac Ehrlich, Chris Lucas and Daphna Buchsbaum: Recovering human category structure across development using sparse judgments [abstract]
- Nina Poth: Bayesian Modelling of Perceptual Categorisation in Conceptual Spaces [abstract]
- 12:20 - 13:20: Poster Session (Session Chair: Viviana Haase)
- Raphael Aybar: Conceptual and Computational Models of Cognition: The Case of Predictive Processing [abstract]
- Lucas Bechberger and Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger: Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Map Line Drawings Into Psychological Shape Space [abstract]
- Stefan Schneider and Andreas Nürnberger: Venn Lattice: An exploratory conceptual space implementing the state concept property formalism [abstract]
- Julio Torres Soler: Force dynamics in the semantic evolution of lexical categories [abstract]
- Silvano Zipoli Caiani and Gabriele Ferretti: On the Interface Between Action Concepts and Intentions to act [abstract]
- 13:20 - 14:20: Lunch Break
- 14:20 - 15:30: Oral Presentations (Session Chair: Mingya Liu)
- Guendalina Righetti, Oliver Kutz and Daniele Porello: Making Common Sense of the Leuven Concept Database [abstract]
- Uta Priss: Conceptual Schemata as a Means for Structuring Teaching Materials [abstract]
- 15:30 - 15:50: Coffee Break
- 15:50 - 16:20: Business Meeting (Session Chair: Mingya Liu)
- 16:20 - 18:00: Open Space / Socializing (Session Chair: Viviana Haase)
Day 2: Friday, 17.09.2021
- 09:00 - 10:00: Keynote Talk (Session Chair: Lucas Bechberger)
- Antonio Lieto: Heterogeneous Proxytypes as a Unifying Cognitive Framework for Conceptual Representation and Reasoning in Artificial Systems
- 10:00 - 10:35: Oral Presentation(Session Chair: Lucas Bechberger)
- Mark Winstanley: The Structure of Concepts. Jean Piaget and Implicit Definition [abstract]
- 10:35 - 10:55: Coffee Break
- 10:55 - 12:05: Oral Presentations (Session Chair: Nicolás Araneda Hinrichs)
- Oksana Tkachman, Emily Sadlier-Brown and Carla Hudson Kam: Conceptual Salience in Naming and Describing [abstract]
- Caitlyn Antal and Roberto G. de Almeida: When you recognize a dog, you also know it’s an animal: Evidence from rapid object categorization [abstract]
- 12:05 - 13:05: Poster Session (Session Chair: Nicolás Araneda Hinrichs)
- Corina Strößner: Criteria of naturalness in conceptual spaces [abstract]
- Yuliya Krylova-Grek: The representation of Concept of Hate speech in mass media [abstract]
- Hermann Bense: An universal Ontology of unique atomic and semantically compound Concepts [abstract]
- Halima Husic and Claudia Roch: Conceptual variation in German nach [abstract]
- Paola Vernillo and Caterina Cacioli: Breaking events: semantic categorization of action concepts in English and Italian [abstract]
- 13:05 - 14:00: Lunch Break
- 14:00 - 14:35: Oral Presentation (Session Chair: Corina Strößner)
- Linda Kaastra: Grounding Concept Formation in Musical Activity [abstract]
- 14:35 - 15:35: Poster Session (Session Chair: Corina Strößner)
- Linda Kaastra: Representation in a Field of Musical Operations [abstract]
- Xenia Ohmer, Michael Marino, Michael Franke and Peter König: Mutual influence between perception and language in artificial agents [abstract]
- Sean Tull: A Compositional Model of Fuzzy Concepts in Conceptual Spaces [abstract]
- Paloma Opazo: Concepts in (inter)action: lexical alignment in office hours’ consultations [abstract]
- 15:35 - 15:45: Closing Ceremony (Session Chair: Stefan Schneider)
Registration and Attendance:
The workshop will be conducted using the videoconferencing software Zoom. Attendance is for free and registration takes place through the central registration system of the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge (there, you can also find further information about co-located events). Please make sure to select CARLA 2021 when registering. We will then send around the link to our Zoom session and further attendance information 1-2 weeks before the workshop. At this point, we also cordially invite you to register for other BOSK events such as FOIS 2021 (12th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems) and ICCS 2021 (26th International Conference on Conceptual Structures), which allow for free online participation. Moreover, please feel free to share this information with your peers!
Lucas Bechberger, Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück University
Viviana Haase, Institute for Philosophy II, Ruhr University Bochum
Nicolás Araneda Hinrichs, Institute for Applied Linguistics and Translatology, University Leipzig & Laboratory for Psycholinguistics,
University Concepción
Mingya Liu, Department of English and American Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin
Alessandro Panunzi, Università degli Studi di Firenze; University of Florence
Stefan Schneider, Faculty of Computer Science, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Corina Strößner, Emmy Noether Group “From perception to belief and back again”, Ruhr University Bochum
Paola Vernillo, Università degli Studi di Firenze; University of Florence